Other Document Information (META Tags)

The "Other Document Information" window allows you to set details and control how you page appears to search engines and visitors to the page.
Page Author:Allows the entry of the name of the Author of the webpage, usually you. This value is generally not displayed by browsers
Page Description:Allows the entry of a description of the content of the webpage. Search Engines will use this description when displaying your site in its search results. If no "Page Description" information is found, Search Engines may use the first few lines of text in your page as a description
Keywords:Some search engines search for webpages by "keywords". The "Keywords" field allows you to enter a list of comma separated single words that best describe the content of your page. Try to avoid common words, and keep to no more than 20 keywords. If, for example, your page was a homepage for a public library in London, your keywords might include "library, london, books, reading, public, research, literature"
Character Set:Force visitors browser's to display your page using the specified Character Set. Useful if you page is in a foreign language, or contains foreign characters
Re-Direct Browser:This option has a number of applications:
  • 1. Force your page to reload at regular intervals
  • 2. Automatically redirect visitors to another URL
    1. If the content of your page is regular updated, such as a news or blog page, you can make it automatically reload in a visitors browser every X seconds. For example, to make your page reload every 10mins, enter "600" in the "After:" field, and leave the "To:" field blank
    2. If your site moves domains, you may wish to leave an automatic forwarder on the old domain to inform visitors and transfer them to your new site. Enter the URL of the new site in the "To:" field, and set "After:" to "10". This will automatically forward visitors to the page to the new URL after 10seconds. To re-direct instantly, set "After:" to "0". You could also use this feature to run a series of webpages one after the other as a "slideshow"
  • Copyright:Allows the entry of Copyright information for the page content or code
    Publisher:Allows the entry of Publisher information for the page content
    Page Expires In:If you page only contains information that is relevant up to a certain date, after which it is obsolete, you can instruct Search Engines to remove the page from their listings after a certain date, specified here.
    Search Engines:Controls how Search Engines index the page, and any links found within the page. The options are:
  • Index this document only
  • Index this document and all linked documents
  • Don't index this document but index all linked documents
  • Don't index this document or any linked document
  • RSS Feed:Many website now embed RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds into their pages. If a page contains an RSS feed, it is usually indicated by a icon. You to can embed an RSS feed into your page, by entering its URL in this field
    Page Icon:A "Page Icon", sometimes referred to as a "favicon" is a small graphic which appears in your browser's address bar when you visit certain sites, or in your Favourites list if your "bookmark" the page. This is usually a 16x16 pixel .ico file. Specify an URL to your "favicon" in this field, to have it appear in the address bar when visitors view your page
    Disable Page Caching:Browsers "cache" pages (temporarily save them locally) to your computer when you visit them, this allows the browser to load them faster the next time you visit them (i.e. using the "Back" and "Forward" buttons in your browser). If you page is dynamically generated, or contains regularly updated information, you may wish to disable page "caching", forcing a visitor's browser to retrieve a fresh copy of the page from your webserver upon each view.
    Disable Image Toolbar in IE:When you "hover" over large images in Internet Explorer, a small "toolbar" pops up, allowing you to save, print, email, etc the image. If you want to prevent this toolbar from opening for images on your page, select this option
    Disable XP Interface Support:If visitors to you page are using Windows XP (or later), the appearance of elements within your page may be changed to appear inline with the visitors current XP style (Theme). You can disable themeing support for your page by selecting this option
    FXReplace boring transitions between pages with exciting transitions

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