Working with Color

The WebWizard includes a powerful and versatile "ColorPicker" for selecting exactly the color you want:

ColorPicker Options:
PaletteThe "Palette" contains 216 colors, arranged logically. To use a color, simply click it
Recent ColorsContains a list of colors you've used recently, allowing you to quickly reuse them by selecting from this list
Preset ColorsContains a list of 140 pre-defined "named" colors for you to use
Palette | SystemClick the "Palette | System" labels to switch between the standard palette view (shown above), and a list of currently defined system colors on your particular computer (based on your current windows theme). Use these "System" colors to tailor your webpages to match each individual visitors system. For example, if you use your system's "Active Border" color, and it's blue - if someone visits your page, and their system's "Active Border" color is pink, the element in your page set to this system color will display blue on your computer, and pink on the visitors computer
SafeThe "Safe" button can be used to make your colors "safe" for viewing on 256-color displays. Most visual display units now display in excess of 16-million colors, but some older displays can only handle a maximum of 256 colors. The "Safe" button "rounds" your selected color to it's nearest 256-color equivalent
Color PreviewThe "Color Preview" bar changes color to show you the current selected color. The text displayed in this bar is the "Hexadecimal" value of this color (See below)
Harmonious ColorsEach time you select a color, The WebWizard picks 5 other colors to "compliment" the color your selected. Click any of these "Harmonious Colors" to use it
RGBClick "RBG", then use the 3 sliders to alter the amount of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) in the color you've selected. Values range from 0 to 255. These values can also be manually edited in the boxes below the sliders
HSLClick "HSL", then use the 3 sliders to alter the Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Lightness (L) of the color you've selected. Hue values range from 0 to 359, Saturation and Lightness values range from 0 to 100. These values can also be manually edited in the boxes below the sliders

Hexadecimal Colors: An example of a "Hexadecimal" color is #FF0000. This color translates to "red". Hexadecimal colors start with a "#" (Hash) character, and then are followed by 6 values, each ranging from 0-9 or A-F (giving a total of 16 different possible values). The first group of two values define how much "red" content is present in the color, so "00" would contain no red, "FF" would be "full red". The next set of two characters specify the amount of "green" in the color in the same way, and the last set of two, for the "blue" content. Therefore, #000000 would be "black" (no red, green, or blue), and #FFFFFF would be "white" (full red, green, and blue)
Here are a few examples:
#FF0000 - Red
#00FF00 - Green
#0000FF - Blue
#00FFFF - Cyan
#FF00FF - Magenta
#FFFF00 - Yellow
#000000 - Black
#FFFFFF - White

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